Perkeni diabetes pdf type 2

Ketentuan mendiagnosis dm tipe 2 menggunakan kadar glukosa darah dibuat oleh oleh who dan perkeni. Thus, for the clinician and patient, it is less important to label the particular type of diabetes than it is to understand the pathogenesis of the hyperglycemia and to treat it effectively. Perkeni konsensus pengelolaan dan pencegahan diabetes mellitus tipe 2 tipe 2 di indonesia. Pasalnya, sejumlah orang berisiko tinggi mengalami diabetes tipe 2 dan sebagian lagi tidak. The diabetes treatment algorithms are intended to serve as a tool to enhance the information required in treating patients with type 2 diabetes. Awareness, agreement, adoption and adherence to type 2. At first, the pancreas makes extra insulin to make up for it. Type 2 diabetes may range from predominantly insulin resistance with relative insulin deficiency to a predominantly secretory defect with insulin. For diabetes type 2, one study among patients aged on average 59 years reported that most patients 61.

Diabetes melitus diabetes mellitus type 2 diabetes. Both types of diabetes are chronic diseases that affect the way your body regulates blood sugar, or glucose. Penatalaksanaan dm sesuai konsesnsus perkeni 2015 dr. Hhs, nih, 2005 diabetes in america, nih publication no. Type 2 diabetes mellitus dm is a chronic metabolic disorder in which prevalence has been increasing steadily all over the world. Reviewed and approved by the associations board of directors. Peningkatan prevalensi diabetes mellitus di indonesia telah menjadi ancaman. However, type 2 diabetes develops most often in middleaged and older people. Management of pregestational type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes in pregnancy postpartum care s80. Questionnaire survey among general practitioners gps.

Pedoman pengendalian diabetes melitus world health organization. Hispaniclatino americans make up a diverse group that includes people of cuban, mexican, puerto rican, south and central american, and. Ensuring the optimal care of the many people with diabetes who fast during ramadan is crucial. Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent type of diabetes. Living with type 2 diabetes is a free, yearlong program that offers information and support as you learn to live with diabetes.

The algorithms will be updated periodically but changes in national practice may occur more quicklyusers are advised to stay abreast of current clinical practice recommendations. Diabetes mellitus iddm, terjadi karena kekurangan produksi. If they elect screening, these patients should be screened every 3 years using either fasting plasma glucose or hba1c. Diabetes tipe 2 sudah menjadi umum di indonesia, dan angkanya terus bertambah akibat gaya hidup yang tidak. Diabetes due to diseases of the exocrine pancreas pancreatitis, pancreatectomy, or pancreatic adenocarcinoma cystic fibrosis hemochromatosis others diabetes due to other endocrinopathies acromegaly cushings syndrome pheochromocytoma glucagonoma others monogenic forms of diabetes. American diabetes association ada, klasifikasi etiologi diabetes mellitus, menurut ada 2007 adalah dapat dilihat pada tabel dibawah ini. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is inherited polygenically. The indonesian society of mel,itus perkeni suggests to do screening tests in all pregnant women at baseline and reevaluate at weeks of gestation if the first evaluation is normal. Learn more about the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and.

Kegagalan sel beta pankreas untuk dapat bekerja secara optimal juga menjadi penyebab dari dm tipe 2 perkeni, 2015. Faktorfaktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kepatuhan diet. Saat ini prevalensi penyakit tidak menular yang didalamnya termasuk dibetes mellitus dm semakin meningkat di indonesia. The american diabetes association is ready to help you every step of the way. Aug 10, 2018 konsensus pengelolaan dan pencegahan diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di inflammation impairs the pancreatic bcell in type 2 diabetes. The types of diabetes are type 1, type 2, and a condition called gestational diabetes, which happens when pregnant. Diabetes mellitus tipe 2 adalah penyakit gangguan metabolik yang di tandai oleh kenaikan gula darah akibat. Panduan penatalaksanaan dm tipe 2 pada individu dewasa di bulan ramadan. Slow onset type 1 diabetes that was formerly diagnosed as type 2 diabetes showed a good response to oral therapy, but later they had a clinical symptom consistent with absolute insulin deficiency. Dm tipe 2 adalah jenis dm yang paling umum diderita oleh penduduk di indonesia. Sebagian besar kasus diabetes melitus adalah penyandang diabetes tipe 2 yang 90 % penyebabnya adalah perubahan gaya hidup yang cenderung kurang. Konsensus pengelolaan dan pencegahan diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di inflammation impairs the pancreatic bcell in type 2 diabetes.

The frequency of type 2 diabetes varies greatly within and between countries and is increasing throughout the world. Klasifikasi diabetes mellitus dm klasifikasi dm yang dianjurkan oleh perkeni adalah yang sesuai dengan anjuran klasifikasi dm. The epidemiology and management of diabetes mellitus in. Imam fatoni the main problem in type 2 diabetes mellitus is the lack of response to insulin insulin resistance so that glucose cannot enter the cell, to overcome. Klasifikasi diabetes melitus menurut perkeni 2006 dalam dilihat dalam tabel 2. Diabetes mellitus dm tipe1 merupakan salah satu penyakit kronis yang sampai saat ini belum dapat disembuhkan. Type 1 diabetes betacell destruction, usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency a.

Hispaniclatino americans and type 2 diabetes diabetes cdc. Dm tipe 2, noninsulin dependent diabetes mellitus niddm. Classification of diabetes type 1 diabetes due to autoimmune. To assess the degree of awareness, agreement, adoption and adherence of physicians in indonesia to type 2 diabetes mellitus guidelines, and their association with characteristics of the responders. Konsensus nasional pengelolaan diabetes mellitus tipe 1 revisi 2 ukk endokrinologi anak dan remaja, idai world diabetes foundation 2015 tabel 1. International diabetes federation, 2012 clinical guidelines.

Standards of care funded out associations general revenues and does not use industry support. It is recognised that in many parts of the developing world the implementation of particular standards of care is limited by lack of resources. Weight loss surgery is an option to treat poorly controlled type 2 diabetes when other modalities have failed. Combination therapies are often helpful for people who have type 2 diabetes. Four parent guidelines identified from its list of references were from the international diabetes federation idf, american association of clinical endocrinologist aace.

Konsensus pengelolaan dan pencegahan diabetes mellitus therapeutic approaches to target inflammation in type 2 diabetes. People who are overweight and inactive are also more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. The aim of this study was to determine relationship of dietary pattern and physical activity with blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus outpatient in poly endocrine rsup dr. Unduhan pb perkeni perkumpulan endokrinologi indonesia. This booklet will help you get started but to get more information, join the living with type 2 diabetes program. Tetapi berkat kemajuan teknologi kedokteran kualitas hidup penderita dm tipe1 tetap dapat sepadan dengan anakanak normal lainnya jika mendapat tata laksana yang adekuat. Your guide to diabetes national institute of diabetes and.

Diabetes mellitus dm prevalence in indonesia based on the results of basic health research riskesdas year 20 is 2. For more detailed information about management of diabetes, refer to references 1, 2. Adapting clinical guidelines in lowa resources countries. Surgical therapy weight loss surgery in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes results in the largest degree of sustained weight loss and, in parallel, improvements in blood glucose control. Chronic complications that often occur in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus is diabetic foot. The combination of maternal glycemic control and the results of an ultrasound examination can guide clinicians in monitoring and determining perkenni mothers blood glucose targets. Type 2 diabetes may range from predominantly insulin resistance with relative insulin deficiency to a predominantly secretory defect with insulin resistance diagnosis and classification.

In case of no hba1c test, the use of blood glucose level is also permitted. The first step that needs to be taken to confront these critical issues, is that the indonesian endocrinology society perkumpulan endokrinologi indonesia perkeni, has initiated to publish book entitled the management of type 2 and type 1 diabetes. Many of these interventions have also been shown to be costeffective 3. Blood sugar that is not well controlled in a pregnant woman with type 1 or type 2 diabetes could lead to problems for the woman and the baby birth defects. As a result of this trend, it is fast becoming an epidemic in some countries of the world with the number of people affected expected to double in the next decade due to increase in ageing population, thereby adding to the already existing burden for healthcare. Diabetes melitus free download as powerpoint presentation. Learn why hispaniclatino risk is higher, and some ways to prevent type 2 diabetes or manage diabetes if you already have it. Type 2 diabetes is far more common than type 1 diabetes, accounting for about 90 percent of all cases.

Konsesus pengelolaan diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di indonesia. Idai konsensus nasional pengelolaan diabetes tipe 1. Penanggulangan diabetes dan komplikasinya tentunya akan berdampak. In type 2 diabetes, your body does not use insulin properly. Type 1 diabetes accounts for 5 10% type 2 diabetes accounts for 90 95% other types of dm probably account for 1 2 % undiagnosed.

Whats the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Home pb perkeni perkumpulan endokrinologi indonesia. Pgdm pada dm tipe 2 disesuaikan dengan pattern regimen terapi. Most patients with type 2 diabetes are adults, often older adults, but it can also occur in children. Namun risiko terserang diabetes tipe 2 dapat meningkat dengan adanya obesitas di masa kanakkanak. Updated perkeni type 2 diabetes treatment algorithm diabetes. Kebanyakan orang tidak menyadari telah menderita dibetes tipe 2, walaupun keadaannya sudah menjadi sangat serius.

It is intended to be a decision support tool for general practitioners, hospital based clinicians and other primary health care clinicians working in diabetes. Diabetes melitus glycated hemoglobin diabetes mellitus. Screening for type 2 diabetes 2 american diabetes association standards of medical care in diabetes. Diabetes dikenal juga sebagai mother of disease yang merupakan indukibu dari penyakitpenyakit lain seperti hipertensi, penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah, stroke, gagal ginjal, dan kebutaan. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that is marked by the rise in blood. Saat ini prevalensi penyakit tidak menular yang didalamnya termasuk dibetes mellitus dm semakin.

Pencegahan diabetes militus tipe 2 di indonesia yang di terbitkan oleh perkeni 2015, input dari proses ini adalah daftar pertanyaan wawancara untuk mengetahui variabel apa saja yang dibutuhkan sebagai ukuran perhitungan kalori harian dan porsi harian penderita diabetes militus, sehingga output. The recommendations include screening, diagnostic, and therapeutic actions that are known or believed to favorably affect health outcomes of patients with diabetes. Glucose is the fuel that feeds your bodys cells, but to enter your cells it needs a key. The new idf clinical practice recommendations for managing type 2 diabetes in primary care seek to summarise current evidence around optimal management of people with type 2 diabetes. The international diabetes federation idf and the diabetes and ramadan dar international alliance have therefore come together to deliver comprehensive guidance on this subject. Association risk factors among a sample of type 2 diabetic individuals, a pilot study. It is not a substitute for the knowledge and information provided by complete national guidelines or the ihs diabetes standards of care for patients with type 2 diabetes. Over time your pancreas isnt able to keep up and cant make enough insulin to keep your blood glucose levels normal. Pdf adapting clinical guidelines in lowresources countries.

Diabetes care in the hospital, nursing home, and skilled nursing facility hyperglycemia in the hospital glycemic targets in hospitalized patients antihyperglycemic agents in hospitalized patients preventing hypoglycemia diabetes care providers. Type 2 diabetes may range from predominantly insulin resistance with relative insulin deficiency to a predominantly secretory defect with insulin resistance iii. Banyumas district has an incidence rate of 1,417 in 2014 and sumbang subdistrict has the highest incidence rate of dm type 2. Fatimah eliana, sppd, kemd bagian penyakit dalam fk yarsi pendahuluan pb perkeni. Perkeni 2015 halaman 2 2 panduan penatalaksanaan dm tipe 2 pada individu dewasa di bulan ramadan daftar isi kata pengantar i. Adanya kelainan campuran diantara nomor 1, 2,3 dan 4. Pencegahan diabetes militus tipe 2 di indonesia yang di terbitkan oleh perkeni 2015, input dari. Average blood glucose level for a few bg test in one day can be converted to hba1c.

They usually have some chronic or even acute cardio cerebro vascular complication. Pdf indonesian clinical practice guidelines for diabetes in. If you have diabetes, your body either doesnt make enough insulin, it cant use the insulin it does make very well, or both. The organs of the baby form during the first two months of pregnancy, often before a woman knows that she is pregnant. Diabetes melitus diklasifikasikan atas dm tipe 1, dm tipe 2.

Dm diklasifikasikan menjadi dm tipe 1, dm tipe 2, dm tipe lain, dan. Sebagian besar kasus diabetes melitus adalah penyandang diabetes tipe. Methods the consensus on the management and prevention of type 2 diabetes in indonesia 2011 is a guideline by the indonesian society of endocrinology perkeni. Indonesian type 2 diabetes mellitus guideline adapted from selected international guidelines. If you have been taking an oral medication, your doctor may change your treatment plan to include insulin injections. Type 2 diabetes type 2 diabetes, which used to be called adultonset diabetes, can affect people at any age, even children. Pdf diabetes mellitus dm in pregnancy has serious impact on both mother and baby if not optimally. Slides correspond with sections within the standards of medical care in diabetes 2017. Diabetes mellitus dm is a chronic disease characterized by blood glucose levels than normal and impaired metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins caused by insulin deficiency relative or absolute.

It also has the seventh largest number of diabetic patients 7. Adapting clinical guidelines in lowresources countries. A study by mangunkusumo on 26 women with gdm reported that in all of the women, blood glucose concentration can be controlled with meal planning. Level in sufferer diabetes mellitus type 2 in candimulyo hamlet, candimulyo village, jombang district, jombang regency by. Ferina dwi marinda1 jhons fatriyadi suwandi2 aila karyus3 abstrak. Type 2 diabetes usually begins with insulin resistancea. Methods the consensus on the management and prevention of type 2 diabetes in indone sia 2011 is a guideline by the indonesian society of endocrinology perkeni. Pengelolaan dan pencegahan diabetes melitus tipe 2 di indonesia. Therapy failed if target of hba1c 2 3 months for each step 2.

Dm tipe 2 seringnya menyerang di usia dewasa, dengan usia 40 tahun atau lebih. People with diabetes melitus type 2 90% of all diabetics. Pada diabetes mellitus didapatkan defisiensi insulin absolut atau relatif dan gangguan fungsi insulin. This change is often made to help people with type 2 diabetes gain better control of their blood sugar. Paradigm for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Empat pilar penatalaksanaan pasien diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Diabetes melitus tidak dapat disembuhkan tetapi kadar gula darah dapat dikendalikan melalui diet, olah raga, dan obatobatan. Untuk dapat mencegah terjadinya komplikasi kronis, diperlukan pengendalian dm yang baik perkeni, 2011. Poltekkes kemenkes yogyakarta bab ii tinjauan pustaka a. Dua akreditasi untuk pelatihan pb perkeni dan ascend indonesia bertempat di hotel shangrila jakarta, pada tanggal 78 desember 2018, pb perkeni bekerjasama dengan academy for science and continuing education in diabetes ascend yang merupakan lembaga professional internasional bergerak dibidang edukasi diabetes melaksanakan pelatihan diabetes. Diabetes melitus diabetes mellitus type 2 diabetes mellitus.

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