1965 world series rosters

Minnesota twins baseball 1965 vintage sports memorabilia. A comprehensive list of mlb world series champions from 1903 to the present. The 1965 little league world series took place during august 1965. Chicago cubs, cincinnati reds, milwaukee brewers, pittsburgh pirates, st. Over 100 favors batters, under 100 favors pitchers. The dodgers went on to win the world series in seven games over the minnesota twins. Koufax did not pitch in game 1, as it fell on the jewish holy day of yom kippur, but pitched in game 2 and then tossed shutouts in games 5 and 7 with only two days of rest in. The postseasonproven lefty had just finished the regular season with a 268 record, a 2. The 1965 world series by baseball almanac with a detailed description, complete rosters, cumulative statistics, and box scores. It is best remembered for the heroics of sandy koufax, who was named the series mvp. Sandy koufax responded to a higher calling on yom kippur in 1965. Following a sixthplace finish in 1964, the dodgers rolled the dice on a roster. Because game 1 of the 1965 world series fell on yom kippur, sandy koufax.

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